Paul Kiiza (Cheeza)
Visiting Paul was so heartwarming as he was as thrilled to see us, as we were to see him, and the Team to meet him for the very first time. He had grown so tall, matured even more and of course was surrounded by friends. (He is in blue on the right, holding racquets and chicken and chips!!…to share because he is SO lovely.
His training as a carpenter is coming along well and he is incredibly proud of what he and all his workmates can produce at the Institute of the Deaf in Kampala. He has one term to go this year and one more whole year……….then he will be qualified to set up in business.
Watched by all the pupils, Jack and Tom played badminton with Paul. Madam Ticky Ticky generously (it was her day off) interpreted for us . She is an amazing teacher and matron at the College, staying overnight on hospital floors if there are no parents to care for one of the sick students.
Paul met with Uganda Son Hashim in Jinja internet cafe last week. They went on to the this website, and although Hashim can’t read sign, they understood one another with gestures and excitements, as Paul LOVES to see photos of himself!! Hence this page now written with lots of love to a dear dear boy who is making good. Children in Emmanuel Church pay for his education out of their pocket money and saved pennies. SO SPECIAL……….making a difference again!!! Thank you.