Before our trip to Buckley with Paul Kiiza yesterday, we shot up to Kyabirwa Primary for a quickly convened Assembly under the flag poles.  It struck me the night before that we should all stand together to pray, thanking God for our daily food and for all those who have provided for The Porridge Pot Project. So we did just that at 8.30 am linking with our family James, Harry and Melissa who were to give a presentation at QEH that morning. QEH were having a Mufti Day to raise funds for porridge here in Kyabirwa.  We can’t wait to hear how it went. The amazing James Wearmouth spearheaded this venture.  Many thanks to him and Mr Ryan who allowed it to happen.  Also thanks to all who provided cakes a break, and those who spent their “tuck” money on refreshments bought by the Wearmouth family.