Q.E.H. Mufti Day
QEH Mufti Day on Friday 17th March was splendid. James The Heart Wearmouth had worked so hard bagging and pricing the produce into easily accessible, attractive quantities. They sold well.
Earlier in the week, Years 7 (very competitive and well done to all) and , equally fantastic, held Cake Stalls which raised £550 for porridge. Boys brought in home- baked and bought goodies…….thank you parents too!! One fine fellow filled THREE LOCKERS with donuts to sell. We await the final total for this wonderful venture.
James spoke confidently at Assembly, showing slides and film clips (thanks also to IT saviours) and I followed up with sincere appreciation to all. The clapping seemed to go on for ages. James and I were thrilled. Teachers were totally on board too.
More pictures to be found on our FaceBook page.