Parachuting in !!

All the hard work of fundraising at Westbury Park has been so appreciated by the staff at children seen here at Lumuli Primary.  Look at the delight on everyone’s faces.  Over here they call it, “You brought joy to my cheeks!” Well done girls and everyone at Westbury Park, Bristol………….you done good!!


Linda Tanner, Education Correspondent Bristol Evening Post interviewed Susannah last week, recording all the conversation in shorthand in her Reporter’s Notebook.  Do try and get a back copy of Monday 9th April, 2012 (page19) Linda ‘s article promoted Fingerprints in Uganda very well and we are pleased with the publicity. Importantly, James Wearmouth of QEH gets a Read more…


Before our trip to Buckley with Paul Kiiza yesterday, we shot up to Kyabirwa Primary for a quickly convened Assembly under the flag poles.  It struck me the night before that we should all stand together to pray, thanking God for our daily food and for all those who have provided for The Porridge Pot Read more…


LadyZone, Henleaze, Bristol thank you so much.  They hosted a lovely evening to celebrate their First Anniversary when all clients were invited for refreshments, whilst watching a demonstration by Karen, of how to dress making the most of your figure.  Alongside Fingerprints in Uganda had a stall selling necklaces and beady bags, Just-so-Balloons and silver jeweller. There Read more…

Teddies and Sunday Best

The girls at Emmanuel House looking gorgeous in their Sunday Best, rejoicing with their new friends – cuddly soft toys and teddies given by Junior Church, friends at Emmanuel Church and  friends from Bristol and Oldham! Everybody got to choose two softies each. The children will then take the others to new homes in Masese Read more…

Jacqui – accident

We met with Jacqui this last visit in August/September.  She was as cheerful and bright as ever, but she had been unable to thread the hand-rolled beads (which her “husband” had made) because she had an accident in the Match Factory and her hands have been damaged. There seems to have been no Health and Read more…