Initially generous friends would pop cheques through the door, we’d take it in cash to Uganda, exchange it for millions of Ugandan shillings, sleep with it under a pillow, then when hearing of needs – give it away. Mercifully, now all money goes through Uganda Development Services, who manage all the finances and send funds over on a monthly basis. We are SO grateful to everyone who gives time, skills and money but we don’t as yet cover all the needs.
There are two Project Accounts with Uganda Development Service , one for Kyabirwa Primary (Education) and Emmanuel House (Wellbeing and Housing). UDS take a portion of the Gift Aid allowance for their administration, but as in effect this is all ploughed back into Uganda we think this is a good use of time and money. We hope you agree too.
If you are moved to know more or would like to donate in any way please do write to – we would love to hear from you, as every penny counts in the caring by sharing.